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Ethics in Energy Work


Updated: Jun 17, 2022


I have to say – our discussion tonight in the Empowerment Circle was passionate, spirited, and full of opportunities for growth! The discussion, my friends, was the result of people from many different backgrounds, walks of life, and even differing age and gender groups coming together in a single safe space to discuss a common topic from their personal perspectives – I cannot tell you how excited I am for the next year and future discussions!!! That said – our topic tonight was about Ethics and Morals, and how they pertain to life in general as well as how they pertain to consciously creating the life we desire. (For more info on the topic, our workshop notes will be posted below). Anyway, one of the common threads that kept coming up was societal conditioning and how that comes through in our lives – the general consensus is that we do NOT have to live by the rules we are handed throughout life for the simple fact that that’s what we were taught. It is PERFECTLY OKAY to create a set of ethics and morals that are completely your own and fit them in to YOUR truth! Of course, bearing in mind that holding the highest good for all involved whenever possible is important when speaking about ethics – for all seen and unseen factors (Golden Rule and all…). However, I learned on a deeper level through our discussion today that societal conditioning has a tremendous hold on people, and we very rarely even recognize that this training exists! People, as a general rule, have a tendency to navigate through their lives on auto-pilot, sometimes blindly following what we’ve been trained to think. BUT!!!! We have the ability to change it in the blink of an eye. WE CAN create the life we choose. WE CAN create our own set of ethics and morals based on our own life experiences and where we are in life ‘now’. WE CAN take up space and live our truths! WE CAN find and recognize the subconscious influences in our lives and make a change – right now!

What conditioning and influences do you carry in your life, that may not be in alignment with your higher self? How would you choose to change them, if you haven’t already?

Some Conscious Creation definitions the group came up with 🙂

  1. Learning more about our selves and working to make things happen intentionally.

  2. Taking charge in our daily lives and not letting ourselves ‘default’ to old practices.

  3. Creating ritual for desired outcomes (ritual meaning a set of practices created to bring about a particular state of mind ending in a desired result)

  4. Putting energy into physical creations – crafting

  5. Being aware of our inner dialogue – our inner voice may not always tell us what we want to hear (self-deprecating) and we need to learn how not to listen at times

  6. Being aware of and changing our feelings when they are not serving our highest good

  7. Repeat affirmations to keep a desired frame of mind

  8. Adding physical activity to our routines

  9. Being honest with our Selves – checking in with our selves and being aware of our actions affect us in the long run

  10. Engaging in crafting or other physical activities that help produce a meditative state to help quiet the monkey brain – helps our intuition to come through

  11. Being aware of what you think about every day and how it fits into your situations and surroundings – also being aware of all the things we see and hear and how they may affect us

  12. Manifesting what you want out of life, what you want to be, and working to achieve those desires. Conversely, working toward what is for your highest good to your understanding rather than what society as a whole expects

  13. Learning to get to the root of a problem rather than fixing symptoms

  14. Learning how to take a ‘slower’ approach to life – appreciating time with Self and others

  15. When presented with persons of varying vibrations that may cause conflict in our immediate situation – kill them with kindness 😀

Ethics in Energy Work 2-5-20

To explore ethics in energy work, let’s first explore the meaning of “Conscious Creation”. What does it mean to be conscious creators in our daily lives? Consciously creating our lives means to be aware at all times of the situations we are in, our surroundings, and our frame of mind at the moment. Being aware of these factors enables us to consciously make decisions for the highest good of our Selves and others in the moment. With practice, conscious creation can be something employed at all times of the day in every situation, to create your ‘best’ version of life. In some walks of life, conscious creation equates to ‘magic work’ or ‘energy work’ – as we are working toward a desired result for ourselves through our speech and actions.

Making decisions for the highest good of our Selves and others brings its own list of challenges – how do we know what will create the highest good? For example, if you receive a promotion at work, this would mean someone else was not promoted. Could that be the highest good for all involved? The promotion may be for your highest good from your perspective, but it may not be for the other person – perhaps the other person was seeking validation for all their hard work, or perhaps they were seeking a raise to be able to pay the bills each month. Being passed over for promotion would not be seen, from their perspective, as being for their highest good. On the other hand, perhaps the added stress of the extra work involved in the promotion would have caused them to miss out on other important areas in their lives – hence bringing about their highest good in what appears to be a negative manner. These factors may also play in to your perspective as you receive the promotion and learn all of what it entails for you – perhaps it may not turn out the way you first expected.

Another challenge we face when seeking the highest good for all is people’s reactions to the situations they encounter. Sometimes life presents opportunities where ‘tough love’ is a necessity – showing people the awful truth so they can make informed decisions about how to best handle it and move forward. In today’s world, many times the truth is not well received, and we may hold back information for fear of hurting the other person’s feelings. Are we working for their highest good or for ours when we withhold information that could benefit them at some point in time? Do we have a ‘responsibility’ to our Selves and others to impart information, even when it could possibly make another person ‘feel bad’? Parents definitely face this challenge as their children grow, but we also face these challenges with our adult families, with our friends, and with our coworkers.

Which brings us to the topic of Ethics. How do ethics fit in to our acts of conscious creating? Morals and ethics tie in to each other and can be learned behavior through societal conditioning, nurturing, and our own sense of right and wrong. Many times we may find that what we’ve learned through conditioning and what we ourselves believe in may be two different things. The Merriam Webster definition for morals is “relating to principles of right or wrong in behavior. Usually described as one’s particular values concerning what is right and what is wrong, and usually shows an element of subjective preference.” The Merriam Webster definition of ethics is “the discipline dealing with what is good and bad. Usually refers to questions of ‘correct’ behavior within a relatively narrow area of activity, while suggesting aspects of universal fairness and whether or not the action is responsible.”

With so many factors that can play into our decisions and actions, how are we to know what responsibilities we have and the outcomes of our decisions? The answer is – in general, we will rarely know the outcome of our actions outside of our immediate circle or even how far the repercussions may ripple. Practicing ethics becomes even more prominent when we engage in conscious creating – as we are consciously manipulating our realities, we will realize the effects of our actions are far reaching. The basic principles in life apply here – treat others how you’d like to be treated, be true to your word, be mindful of your energy exchanges with others, and refrain from actions that impose on others’ free will. Understanding and learning to ‘listen’ to the vibrations around us also apply here – engaging with and understanding the differing vibrations around us enables us to connect on a deeper level with the seen and unseen variables in every situation.

As we think about our own principles and how we choose to engage with the world, some further concepts to keep in mind are learning about the ebb and flow of life as well as learning that even truth is not absolute. If another’s truth is not the same as ours, that does not make it any less valid or ‘true’ as differing perspectives and experiences change people’s realities and therefore their truths. Also, as complex human beings, we are capable of recognizing the cycles of life and working with the cycles to learn more about our Selves.

Learning our paths of ‘right’ living and how we engage with the world is personal and differing for each human being. As humans, we are both physical creatures and Divine beings and are capable of deciding what is the best course in our decisions and actions to consciously create the life we desire. Consciously creating our lives does not come with a list of absolutes as far as how we should act; however, bear in mind that the ability to make our own decisions and act on those decisions also brings a high degree of personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is the willingness to take responsibility for our own actions without projecting our worries, troubles, or shortcomings onto someone else. Being aware of our own actions and their consequences helps us to learn who we are and can help us to be less judgmental of others at the same time. In the long run, this awareness also helps us to recognize when others are not being personally responsible and allows us to not take on others’ issues when making our decisions.

Homework (should you choose to accept it) Think about your personal ethics. What practices do you engage in that may be learned and what practices are ones that fit in with your beliefs? Are there changes you would like to make in your life to better fit who you are now? Write down a list of ethical principles that you are comfortable following and/or would like to create in your life that fit who you are now. Keep this list in your book and revisit it once or twice a year – this practice will help you understand how your view on life changes and give you great insight into your Self.

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